KFC/11 Secrets

Illuminati owned mutant chicken farms?

We created a platform to showcase 11 video clips to dispel some of the myths gaining traction on social media about KFC.

Behance Link

While Creative Director at Union

Sharing the truth about KFC

It’s not every day we’re asked to help out with a mutant chicken problem. But that’s what finger lickin’ chicken proprietors KFC came to us with in late 2016. The mutant chicken problem was of course a hoax that had gained traction on social media. KFC needed a way to debunk the myths that were popping up on social media.

Busting myths and buying time

We set out to create a new hub to showcase a series of myth-busting videos. But ever since social media took centre stage in millennials media consumption habits their average attention span has decreased to an all-time low. Getting our audience engaged enough to watch 11 videos in a row was going to be a bit of a challenge.

Inspired by popcorn (chicken)

Drawing inspiration from KFC’s famous popcorn chicken, the creative team set out to present the content in easily consumable, bitesize pieces. We grouped the content into three themes, debunking myths one topic at a time – cooks, recipe or fresh ingredients. The result is three independent journeys that are greater than the sum of their parts.

Newton's fourth law states that it's physically impossible to eat half a box of popcorn chicken. So we in turn set out to make navigating between themes as close to sub-conscious as possible, so our audience will be at the bottom of the box before they even realised

Finger lickin’ good results

The result is something we think the Col. would be proud of. Each theme was treated with it’s own blend of herbs and spices making them distinct. Visuals drew on KFC’s heritage, hardworking cooks and farm fresh produce. All of this paired with copy that adopts the much loved humorous tone of Colonel Sanders himself